Author: Jorge Cruz
Date: 9/30/2012
Topic: Vote for Prop 30
Exigence: If Prop 30 fails to pass there will be major
budget cuts for education.
Intended Audience: Non-Voters, Voters, Undecided Voters,
Students and the uninformed.
Purpose: Explain, inform and persuade the intended audience
to vote “Yes” on Prop 30.
Claim: If Prop 30 does not pass there will be budget cuts of
around $5 billion for schools which will make it difficult for students to
continue on in schools and face new hardships.
Writer`s Strategy #1: The logical reasoning I will use in my
op-ed is including facts that will defend Proposition 30 such as: the education
system getting a $5.5 billion budget cut for those in the K-12th grade,
higher educational schools like colleges and CSU`s raising tuition fees which
will make it incredibly more difficult for both continuing and new students.
Prices are high enough already and if they are increased students will face
economic hardships which in return will make them lose interest or their
confidence in continuing on because they will face that economic struggle.
Readers Effect #1: I hope that the readers understand how
this will affect the future of schools, using Aristotle`s Logos I will explain
the hardships schools and students will face if Prop 30 doesn`t pass.
Writer`s Strategy #2: As a student currently working on
getting a permit to be here in the United States and also going along the path
of getting citizenship I struggle with paying off each semester for the classes
I take and the books necessary to buy for classes. I work part time now and as
school starts I get fewer hours, the money I earn goes mostly all into
materials and paying off each semester with money out of my own pocket.
Financial aid isn`t an option because I can`t apply, scholarships help, yet if
Prop 30 doesn`t pass tuition and the prices for each unit of a class will
increase it won`t as easy any longer. I started out as a full time student
being able to pay for about 15 units to now only managing to be able to pay
about 9 units including books and other school materials along with
Readers Effect #2: I will be using Pathos to show the
audience and share information about what I am facing and will be facing if
Prop 30 doesn`t pass, along with the fact that I am not the only student who
will be having it difficult since there are many others who it will affect much
more. Prop 30 passing will be a huge relief for us students.
Writer`s Strategy #3: As a student paying for his college
education with money out of his own pocket it is difficult to continue own if
prices are increased. With the many others that will face this crisis if Prop
30 doesn`t pass eventually they will become discouraged wondering if they
should continue on with school. It`s a fight going on within our minds, to stay
in school and continue on, face the hardships head on for which in the end it
will be worth it. Will it really? Discouragement from knowing that if Prop 30
doesn`t pass and having classes cut and having fewer spots for students in
classes is an extremely rough problem they will have.
Readers Effect #3: I hope that by sharing experience as a
continuing student, using Aristotle`s Ethos, the audience will know exactly how
devastating life will be for students and the conditions schools with have in
Prop 30 does not pass. In return, will hopefully be an eye opener for the
audience to vote “Yes” on prop 30 for they will, by making that choice, be
helping out students in such an incredible way.