"Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt":Advertising and Violence, a piece of from Jean Kilbourne`s 1999 book Can`t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We think and Feel, discusses how advertising objectifies and dehumanize women to the public eye, believing that it leads to cultural abuse. Kilbourne says "[a]n ad for MTV shows a vulnerable young woman, her breast exposed, and the simple "Bitch."(583) The word "Bitch" is placed between her breast directing the center of attention to the public eye. What exactly is being advertised? Being a part of the public who would be exposed to this advertisement I would not be able to tell what they are trying to sell. The majority of passerby's would only see the beautiful woman and that word then be on their way. Now if we stop and take a look we`d wonder, is it her unbuttoned pants? The rim of her underwear showing? Or that short long sleeve leaving her mid section expose and most of her breasts out? Like others I would imagine, would just see her and "Bitch." then think think ourselves why she is being called that or just not pay any mind to it. She includes other advertisements showing women being used for sexual appeal, being what seemed to be dominated or pinned and most of all just plainly vulnerable. I believe that, although not fully, that advertisements objectifying women does have something to do with cultural abuse. Kilbourne says "[a]ds don`t directly cause violence, of course. But the violent images contribute to the state of terror. . . turning a human being into a thing, an object, is almost always the first step toward justifying violence against that person."(585) In result of this addition of fear women face, being seen as a thing "it does damage, and it sets girls up for addictions and self-destructive behavior."(598)
One of the way Kilbourne approaches and backs up her claim is by her incredible credibility. Her ethos hooks the reader into what she`s trying to inform the public of. The way she organizes her work, by starting out strong and leading into advertisement objectifying women has a great flow. "the main goal, as in pornography, is usually power over another, by the power of dominance." (575) Then follows it up by showing examples of men pinning women, picking them up in a violent fashion and women being mistreated. This drives her point through to her audience, there`s not much you can counter argue about with the advertisement images in there themselves.
The examples she brings up throughout her work opens the audiences eyes to something they have not really seen before. Exemplification she conveys keep the audience on their toes. It makes them think, like it did to me, how in the world does this even pass by as "advertisement?" Looking at the majority of advertisements men aren`t objectified, they are either praised or looked upon as an overpowered figured looked up to by other men or women. The women doing the praising or admiring while yet they are ignored or thought less of. This is brings up the thought of women dressing in a manner that they would consider comfortable showing off some skin, while other women looking at them or men believe "she wants something, someone." Kilbourne makes it clear that women are more likely to face dangers when alone, they are the ones who avoid alley ways late at night, carry pepper spray and are wary of their surroundings meanwhile men wouldn`t have to worry about those things. Being objectified in ads distributed throughout the public wouldn`t help in anyway, like Kilbourne says "it contributes to the state of terror"(585) . No man goes out late at night looking over their shoulders.
Kilbournes really makes us think about forms of advertisements and how women are portrayed. Throughout her work there`s a tone. Tone of being wary, to watch out. I believe the way she thinks of how advertisements may contribute to cultural abuse, women causing self harm and being abused. Yet it may not be directly, I believe those who are exposed to these advertisements and look at them the way she does, conscious about it or not it does affect them in way. There`s the thought of women being objects, things, in the moment it may not mean much but over time it adds up subconsciously.
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