Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kimmel "The Guy Code"

                In Michael Kimmel’s piece “Bros Before Hos”: The Guy Code he thoroughly explained what being a man in society is these days. More specifically, what the answer to the question “what is a man?” is and how they are made. The Guy Code as they call it is made up of things guys do, should or shouldn`t do, think, act, and say. After asking countless of teenagers in their late teens and early 20`s what it means to be a man they would respond with: “Boys don`t cry, don`t get mad – get even, just do it, nice guys finish last and the typical “I don`t stop to ask for directions.” To be a man he says, is to be tough, don`t show compassion, don`t cry (notice how this is repeated), and not to weaker than any other male. But what happens to those who do show emotion? They get put down, called names and become the black sheep within the herd of those are the way they are supposed to be.
                If you show any emotion or interest in something that others find inadequate to their liking you could automatically be considered not man enough and be called gay, a faggot, pussy, wimp, etc. Other guys aren`t the only ones to put a specific one down because of expressing how they are in the way they dress, act and come off to be. It could be the slightest of sway in your hips as you walk and you could be called gay for walking that way, you could be the sweet, kind, caring, sensitive but in the eyes of other men you aren`t being manly. I agree with Kimmel when he points out how this starts. It begins at a young age where dads, uncles, grandpas or strangers tell you to “man up”, “don`t cry”, and be tough. As a child grows up and parents pester or get pestered about their kids being wimps, bullied, it always seems to be the father figure to tell their kids and raise them to be tough. Keep them away from their mothers nurturing, sweetness and love. To be a man in society I agree with these set up on how a male should be. It has been this way for a long time in which a man has to dominant, but personally I believe to be a man is to give it all in anything yet be respectful. In other words, it is to have that gentleman’s aura surrounding you.
                To know when to be tough and show your sweet side, gentleness, compassion towards something or someone is what I consider a man. To stand tall with both feet firmly planted on the ground and keeping your chin up is overall what I see a man to be. This is coming from a guy who hasn`t really had a father  figure growing up though, as well being a really carefree person and that gets easily amused by the most random of things. In the end, growing up and seeing all of these guys being the way The Guy Code explains, I have yet to understand what the need for it is. I don`t fully comprehend the need to put down someone or each other, in a joking manner yes but not when one is out their seriously putting a person down I find it to be utterly unnecessary. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great summing up and reflection of the article. I enjoyed reading your own response to the claims made by the author. This is a great Reader Response post, but on your next post, I'd really like to see you attempt the Rhetorical Analysis. Focus on the text itself and see if you can pick out the rhetorical strategies (listed on your handout). Explain how the writer conveys his purpose. What is his purpose? What writing modes can you recognize? Give the Rhetorical Analysis a try on your next post!
